Thursday, July 29, 2010

LNFI Card Stock Donation

L'etoile du Nord French Immersion School--part of the St. Paul public schools--is the public elementary school where our kids have attended. Jane is a 2009 graduate, Ellie will be in 5th grade coming up this Fall, and Catherine will most likely matriculate in the Fall of 2011.

With public school funding cuts, it seems the supply lists grow every year. This year I noticed that the 5th grade "appreciated but not required" section includes Card Stock--Any Color!

Anyone who would like to contribute to the card stock stock can do so through me, and for every 5 packs ordered ($6.95 per pack, 24 sheets), I'll donate 1 pack.

I'll put the order in on August 13, so please let me know before then if you'd like to take part. Payment ($8.23 total) can be made to me in the form of cash/check/CC. Check out the fantastic color selection at

1 comment:

  1. Deadline extended to tomorrow. Thanks for the donations that have already poured in--12 packs of card stock on their way to the LNFI 5th grades!
